Dealing With Sexual Harassment: A Guide For Working Women

Law Blog

Sexual harassment is unfortunately very common in workplace settings, with women being the primary targets, which leaves many with the pressing question of how they can handle it. Sexual harassment can take many forms, including physical contact, unwelcome sexual advances, inappropriate comments, constant nagging among many others. Perpetrators are usually colleges or even persons in leadership positions, who can make the victim uncomfortable, embarrassed, and even make the workplace environment hostile.

27 February 2015

How Do You Prove Negligence In A Personal Injury Case?

Law Blog

Getting hurt is never pleasant. Sometimes, when you get hurt, it is nothing more than a fluke, and you just have to deal with it. Sometimes, however, you get hurt because someone was negligent. This means your injury was preventable, but someone simply did not take the time to take proper care of equipment or facilities. If someone has been negligent in some way, you can sue them for damages and get them to pay for at least part of your doctor bills.

17 February 2015

3 Reasons Your Family Needs To Hire Estate Planning Lawyers

Law Blog

If you have a family that you care for, it's important to take the right steps to plan for the future. Lawyers can help you create a great estate plan so that there are no surprises in the future and your wishes are respected. If you don't yet have a plan in place, now is a great time to create one. Take a look at the following information to better understand the reasons as to why your family needs to hire estate planning lawyers.

2 February 2015

Succeeding In Parenting And Using Your Legal Options - Tips For Establishing A Custody Arrangement

Law Blog

One of the most emotionally challenging times in anyone's life can be going through a divorce. These challenges are heightened when there are children involved, as balancing your needs with successful parenting can be extremely difficult in a divided household. Luckily, your family lawyer will be able to help you use the system to establish a successful parenting plan. Below, you'll find a guide to some tips for creating a productive custody arrangement.

2 February 2015

Three Common Financial Pitfalls during a Divorce

Law Blog

Going through a divorce is not only one of the most challenging and painful things a person goes through in their lifetime, but it can also be one of the most expensive. Unless you and your spouse have already agreed to everything and are having an uncontested divorce, it might get expensive. Before moving further, avoid these three common financial pitfalls. Seeking Revenge If you were served divorce papers and were not expecting it, it is natural to feel angry.

13 January 2015

No Pain, No Gain: How Injury Lawyers In Canada Turn Your Suffering Into Cash

Law Blog

While you might wish that you could get fair compensation for your injury on your own, that is definitely easier said than done when you're facing resistance from your opposition. Lawyers have the extensive legal education needed to do an insightful analysis of your case, and then use that analysis to create a strong case for you. However, any old lawyer just won't do if you are struggling to get compensation after an accident.

8 January 2015

Does Having A Criminal Defense Lawyer Really Make A Difference?

Law Blog

No matter what the crime is that you are accused of, you are going to want to make sure that you are well represented in court. Sure, you might be able to legally represent yourself, but you might not want to after learning about all of the benefits that come from professional assistance. Just take a moment to reflect on the following ways a quality criminal defense lawyer may be able to help out your case.

5 January 2015