No Pain, No Gain: How Injury Lawyers In Canada Turn Your Suffering Into Cash

Law Blog

While you might wish that you could get fair compensation for your injury on your own, that is definitely easier said than done when you're facing resistance from your opposition. Lawyers have the extensive legal education needed to do an insightful analysis of your case, and then use that analysis to create a strong case for you. However, any old lawyer just won't do if you are struggling to get compensation after an accident. Choosing an injury lawyer can help you maximize the odds of getting exactly the results you want. Below, you can read more about exactly how injury lawyers work – and how they can turn your injury into cold hard cash.

The Cases an Accident Lawyer Accepts

Accident lawyers work with a variety of clients who have been injured. Typically, these injuries were caused by another person. The accident lawyer's goal is to recover injury compensation for clients. The type of injuries that an accident attorney sees may include:

  • Injuries from vehicle collisions
  • Animal bite injuries
  • Slip and fall injuries
  • Workplace injuries
  • Injuries sustained at amusement parks

Accident Lawyers in Negotiations

The personal injury lawyer often has close communications with the opposition in your case. The person who caused your injury is often represented by an insurance company. Therefore, an insurance company adjuster or lawyer is usually the person your lawyer will negotiate with prior to filing a lawsuit.

In many cases, the negotiations may begin at very opposite points. For example, your lawyer may request the full amount of the insurance policy in damages, while the insurance company may offer to pay only 25 or 50 percent of that amount.

The initial negotiations are only a starting point. The insurance adjuster ultimately wants to settle rather than dealing with a court case, because court cases can cost the insurance company considerable money and time. Your lawyer knows this and will apply the pressure to settle at the right times.

Each time a settlement offer is made, your lawyer will contact you. They will give you advice about whether it's a good offer or not, but you can always make the final decision on your own. If the insurance company won't make a reasonable settlement offer even after aggressive negotiations, your attorney will file a lawsuit.

Accident Lawyers in Court

If a case actually reaches court, it may have potential to be more lucrative than a settlement would have been. Your lawyer will typically only recommend declining a settlement offer if there is a very high chance of winning a court case.

When your attorney represents you in court, they can request not only all the damages that were incurred in the accident, but also the legal and court costs associated with the case. Because this can make the case so costly for the opposition, it may not be unusual for the insurance company to continue making settlement offers even after a lawsuit has been filed.

When your lawyer presents the case in court, they will showcase all the evidence proving guilt of the opposing party. They will also show documentation of all your damages to the court. Your lawyer will argue in court just as aggressively as they did in negotiations so they can secure a great financial outcome for you.


8 January 2015

File Chapter 7, and Keep Your Home

Many people assume that when they file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, they will have to give up their homes and other property. This is not necessarily the case. I am a bankruptcy attorney, and I have helped many clients file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy without giving up homes, cars, and other property. When you file for bankruptcy, the property you are allowed to keep depends on your individual circumstances and the state where you live. Most states allow exemption for property you are currently paying for. This blog will guide you through that information and help you determine if filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the right choice for you.