Time To End The Marriage? What To Do When The Divorce Turns Acrimonious

Law Blog

If you and your spouse are going through a divorce, and it's become acrimonious, you may feel like throwing in the towel. That's the worst thing you can do. Your spouse may be hoping that becoming bitter, and behaving harshly, may give them the upper hand. If your divorce has gone from amicable to acrimonious, there are some things you can do to keep the ball in your court.

Start Keeping a Journal

If your divorce has taken a turn for the worse, it's important that you start keeping a journal. In fact, it's a good idea to start keeping a journal before things get bad. Keeping a journal about all the day-to-day dealings you have with your soon-to-be-ex, will allow you to show a progression of the hostilities. It might even enable you to see where the turning point was in the hostilities. Be sure to keep notes about every interaction you have with your spouse, including dates, times, and locations, as well as what was said.

Know Your Own Emotional Triggers

If your marriage was one of long-duration, your spouse is probably very aware of your emotional triggers – those events that can make you react in ways that aren't representative of who you really are. Now that your divorce has turned hostile, it's important that you understand those emotional triggers, as well. It's likely that your spouse will use those triggers against you to get you to lash out, or react in a manner that could harm you during the negotiations. Knowing what your triggers are will allow you to remain cool, calm, and collected when your spouse tries to push your buttons to elicit a response.

Be Mindful of the Children

If you and your spouse have children together, it's important that you not drag them into the hostilities. Be sure to watch what you say around the children, and try to keep the conversation positive when it comes to discussing the other parent. You don't want your spouse to use things you say against you during the custody hearings. When you're angry, or need to blow off steam, write down your feelings in a journal, or speak to a counselor.

Talk to Your Attorney Before Moving Out

If you remained in the family home, but are having second thoughts about that decision, don't move out until you speak to your attorney, especially if you're living in the home with your children. Moving out could jeopardize your right to the marital property. It could also jeopardize your standing in the ensuing custody battle.

Contact legal help, such as at Madison Law Firm PLLC, for more information.


20 November 2017

File Chapter 7, and Keep Your Home

Many people assume that when they file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, they will have to give up their homes and other property. This is not necessarily the case. I am a bankruptcy attorney, and I have helped many clients file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy without giving up homes, cars, and other property. When you file for bankruptcy, the property you are allowed to keep depends on your individual circumstances and the state where you live. Most states allow exemption for property you are currently paying for. This blog will guide you through that information and help you determine if filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the right choice for you.