Three Auto Accident Myths Victims May Think Are True

Law Blog

Understanding what you should do following a car accident is knowledge that you may hope you never need. However, it is a reality that auto accidents are extremely common events. Failing to understand the steps that should be taken can result in you greatly compromising the strength of your case and ability to obtain compensation.  

Myth: A Minor Accident Means You Have A Minor Case

Following a seemingly mild car accident, it is frequent for individuals to assume that they will not be able to pursue a lawsuit. Often, individuals assume that they will have to sustain graphic injuries or damage to their vehicles. However, seemingly minor car accidents can result in major injuries, expenses, and other damages. By properly documenting even minor accidents, you can protect yourself in the event that the damage or your injuries are far worse than you had originally anticipated.

Myth: You Can Continue Your Lawsuit After Signing A Settlement

Soon after the insurance company is notified of the accident, they may attempt to make a settlement offer. Individuals that have recently experienced auto accidents are often in need of compensation to make repairs and settle debts that were the result of the accident. Unfortunately, individuals that are impatient will often sign these settlement agreements, even though the offer does not cover their full damages. Once you sign the settlement offer, it can be almost impossible to continue legal action. As a result, you should carefully consider whether the offer fairly compensates you for the losses that you suffered.

Myth: A Lawsuit Requires No Effort On The Part Of The Plaintiff

When individuals are in the early stages of considering whether or not they should pursue a lawsuit, they may be surprised to learn that the attorney will not always be able to handle all the aspects of the lawsuit. As a result, you should expect to be an active participant in the legal proceedings around your car accident. This may include giving depositions, attending meetings, and participating in your court hearings. Luckily, the scheduling of these events will often be fairly flexible, which can limit the disruption that your work or personal schedule experiences.

Failing to properly respond to an auto accident can be a serious and costly mistake for a person to make, due to the fact that these errors can drastically impact the compensation that may be recovered. Knowing the importance of having police reports prepared for even minor accidents, the finality of signing a settlement offer, and the fact that you will be active participant in the legal proceedings are essential for being prepared to defend your rights after this type of accident. 

For more information, talk to companies like Knafo Law Offices.


5 July 2017

File Chapter 7, and Keep Your Home

Many people assume that when they file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, they will have to give up their homes and other property. This is not necessarily the case. I am a bankruptcy attorney, and I have helped many clients file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy without giving up homes, cars, and other property. When you file for bankruptcy, the property you are allowed to keep depends on your individual circumstances and the state where you live. Most states allow exemption for property you are currently paying for. This blog will guide you through that information and help you determine if filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the right choice for you.